Vaudeville Park
26 Bushwick Avenue
September 19 - September 27, 2009
Reception: Friday, September 18, 7 - 9 PM
Web Site
Curated by Linnea Paskow and Karla Wozniak
oscillate – verb (intransitive) = to swing back and forth with a steady uninterrupted rhythm
wildly – adverb = extreme manner
OSCILLATE WILDLY is an art show comprising artists that use elements of collage in their work. The artists in this group show are: Tom Brauer, Maya Brym, Yvonne Buchanan, Angelina Gualdoni, Kristi Kent, Lucy Kim, S.E. Nash, Linnea Paskow, Dorene Quinn, Elisa Soliven, and Karla Wozniak.
The curators interpret collage as juxtaposition, overlay or a “throw away” in terms of ideas or media—a whimsical notion or a fleeting moment. The artists all use disparate images and materials. Fitting of a recession, none are ostentatious; most are cheap or found. They are kindred spirits who attempt to pull something meaningful from the fleeting.
These artists acknowledge the absurdity of the times in their work. They’re also able to find joy. They discover meaning in the makeshift through improvisation. There are elements of danger and meticulousness. Some of the art conjures the fading American Dream. We may be between two worlds; what was and what has yet to be. An image could be the inside of a computer, or someone’s body, or even your mind. This randomness is made huge in order to communicate it. There are push-pull elements with color, texture and surface.
In this art we are brought to places of beauty through visual addition, subtraction and juxtaposition. We are made to perceive charged, invisible places.