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In-Eyes, Works by Juliette Binoche

Cultural Services of the French Embassy
972 Fifth Avenue, 212-439-1469
Upper East Side
September 10 - October 9, 2009
Web Site

Actress, dancer, poet, painter… Academy Award® winning actress Juliette Binoche (The English Patient) has more than one trick up her sleeve. In September 2009, her portraits and poetry will be exhibited at the Cultural Services of the French Embassy. Ms. Binoche has not only depicted many of the famous directors with whom she has worked but also characters she has played, in what is a rather unique spin on the self-portrait tradition. In-Eyes will feature 29 triptychs, each including one of these “in character” self-portrait ink washes, a portrait of the related movie’s director, and a poem addressed to the director. It will be her first-ever art show on American soil and will offer a unique opportunity to discover a new facet of this multi-talented French artist.
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