The ArtCat calendar is closed as of December 31, 2012. Please visit Filterizer for art recommendations.


Cafe Tschichold

120 Essex Street, Delancey / Rivington (inside the Essex St. Food Market at the South end of the building), 212-420-9202
East Village / Lower East Side
March 13 - April 10, 2010
Reception: Saturday, March 13, 4 - 6 PM
Web Site

Curator and artist Edgar Orlaineta will present ‘Cafe Tschichold’ an exhibition that will investigate terms like arts, science, technique, poetry and music. The exhibition will bring together a group of artists who deal with these kinds of issues and are interested in presenting a collaborative project integrating different techniques –design, visual art, craft–, into one integrated and cohesive ambient. The artworks will address notions of recycling (objects and ideas), micro-modernism (as a “do-it-yourself Modernism), the site (the Essex Street Market specifically), the history of Modern Art, Design and Architecture, sustainability, the urban environment, and crafts.

Featured Artists:

Emiliano Godoy Terence Gower Sonia Lartigue Edgar Orlaineta Tilman Wendland
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