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Carlos Bevilacqua – Dois

Simon Preston Gallery
301 Broome Street, 212-431-1105
East Village / Lower East Side
May 9 - June 27, 2010
Reception: Sunday, May 9, 6 - 8 PM
Web Site

Simon Preston Gallery presents Dois, an exhibition by Carlos Bevilacqua. For this exhibition, Bevilacqua will show a combination of floor sculptures, hanging mobiles and wall works constructed from rudimentary materials such as wood, wire, glass and beads. The title of the show Dois (Two) implies the existence of dual elements in both a continuous dialogue and reciprocal exploration.

At times, the title of a sculpture uses the prefix Ek, to mean ‘out of’, as part of a more complex term derived from the Ancient Greek Ek-stasis, “to be or stand outside oneself”. For the artist, to exist outside any physical or figurative context allows for clearer and deeper examination of a newly arisen condition. The result is a harmony or, as according to Hegel, a synthesis that solves the conflict between the thesis and its antithesis. Bevilacqua aims to formalize this new synthesis through his rigorous balance and juxtaposition of materials, without the use of either glue nor welding agents. What at first appear to be modest experiments in material and form become complex assemblages, exposing fragility and vulnerability through physical properties such as tension, gravity, balance and resistance.
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