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Temple of Blooom

Cinders Gallery
28 Marcy Avenue, 718-388-2311
July 10 - August 8, 2010
Reception: Saturday, July 10, 7 - 10 PM
Web Site

Hisham Akira Bharoocha, Kelie Bowman, Sherri Hay, Mark Warren Jacques, John Orth, Hilary Pecis, STO, and Jessie Rose Vala

The Temple of Blooom is an installation that combines paintings, drawings, collages, murals and sculpture to create our own type of a sonic-visual sanctuary as envisioned by each artist. Exploring places of worship, rituals, shrines, sacred objects and congregation, this place of spiritual assembly is based not on any religious faith but on the faith of our loose-knit community of artists, performers, experimenters, and musicians.

Each artist brings a different energy to the show from Hisham Bharoocha’s meditative mandala style mural painting to Hilary Pecis’ cavernous and intricate collages; paintings of people made entirely of wondrous flowers by Kelie Bowman and a golden paper mache shrine to the gods of plants by STO. Abstracted portraits recall ethereal masks in John Orth’s works on paper while Mark Warren Jacques explores cosmic patterns and forms in his paintings. Sherri Hay’s small, intimate sculptures of plant people lure you in to their majestic world and Jessie Rose Vala’s haunting black and white pencil drawings explore transformations between humans, animals, and the powers of nature.

During the course of the show, the temple will be a space for sonic and visual explorations by some of our favorite artists, including many from the show. Check our website for updates on these weekly intimate engagements of live music and performance.
Have photos of this show? Tag them with artcat11756 to see them here.