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Rebecca Yale: Natural Manhattan

The Gallatin Galleries
1 Washington Place, 212-998-7367
Greenwich Village
July 15 - August 27, 2010
Reception: Thursday, July 15, 6 - 8 PM
Web Site

The Gallatin Galleries at NYU presents Natural Manhattan, an exhibition by Rebecca Yale that explores the idea of authenticity in nature and how composition of an image affects a spectator’s idea of nature in Manhattan. By mixing delicate details and larger landscapes the series questions the idea of what is real nature and the importance to feel it in urban environments. The project was inspired by the William Blake quote: “Great things are done when men and mountains meet. This is not done by jostling in the street.” There is a tranquility and beauty that can be found only in nature and is not usually found in the heart of the city. These images are meant not only to make the viewer question our use and relationship to nature in Manhattan, but also the very meaning of what nature is in the City. These images show the intersection of grey and green, man and nature, manufactured and authentic—they are Natural Manhattan.
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