Chashama 461 Gallery
461 West 126th street, New York, NY
September 3 - October 2, 2010
Reception: Friday, September 10, 6 - 8 PM
Web Site
Robert Deming interprets Formism – a regimen of paradoxical artistic functionality. That is to say, his work has physical requirements that must work absolutely in order to offer the viewer a complete and uncomplicated experience; while the atmospheric demands on the integrity of the pieces are truly rigorous. With each creation Deming hopes to generate a sense of awe fused with metaphor—his art form beckons mind-bending challenge.
Technically, WatêrgéTM expands the capacity of a body of water – upward. Deming uses clear structures and shapes to transcend the norm. There are no valves – no apparent way to fill the structures and they are open to the body of water below. A structure is filled from the bottom up; thus, open to the normal habitat of water life. Some structures reach several meters into the air above the ordinary water level. But beyond towers, the Formist structures allow the ability to add dimension and thought provoking experience to the space where WatêrgéTM are installed. The principle ofWatêrgéTM combines the elements of physics, atmospherics, hydraulics and the natural laws with aesthetic