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Discrepancies — New works by Alex Gross

Jonathan LeVine Gallery
529 West 20th Street, 9th Floor, 212-243-3822
September 11 - October 9, 2010
Reception: Saturday, September 11, 7 - 9 PM
Web Site

Jonathan LeVine Gallery is pleased to present Discrepancies_, a series of new paintings and mixed media works by Los Angeles-based artist Alex Gross in what will be his second solo exhibition at the gallery. In conjunction with Discrepancies, the artist will release a new book published by Gingko Press, titled after the show, cataloging the best of his work in the four years since his last monograph.

The highly involved, figurative oil paintings of Alex Gross defy categorization. His unusual hybrids—for all their nostalgic quality and dreamlike mystery—powerfully convey universal themes such as love, despair, globalization, consumerism, communication, or a lack thereof. The artist’s skepticism about corporate-dictated mass culture and the impact of media on our visual environment are unifying themes throughout the series of work in this exhibition.

In Discrepancies, Gross’ lush, incongruous worlds feature an assortment of mythical beasts and historical figures. Fashionable men and women are depicted while talking or texting on their cell phones, drinking Starbucks beverages, eating french fries and riding mopeds. These seemingly banal figures are juxtaposed with crucifixions, decapitated creatures, serpents and centaurs. The artist sets his subjects against skies peppered with butterflies, bees, confetti and other debris.

To complement the larger canvases, several smaller pieces on panel and paper parody the visual vernacular of our generation—magazine ads, billboards, and television commercials. References to brands such as Apple, British Petroleum, Marlboro, and Coca-Cola add a timeliness to the otherwise timeless aesthetic of Gross’ work.

ABOUT THE ARTIST Alex Gross is based in Los Angeles, California. In 1990, he received a BFA with honors from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. Since then, he has had five solo exhibitions at various galleries and participated in dozens of group exhibitions across the globe. In the summer of 2007, Gross’ first retrospective museum show was held at the Grand Central Art Center in Santa Ana, California. Gross is a recipient of the prestigious Artist Fellowship from the Japan Foundation, and several faculty grants from Art Center College of Design. In 2006, Chronicle Books published The Art of Alex Gross, the artist’s first monograph. Discrepancies, Gross’ second fine art book was published by Gingko Press in 2010. It features an introduction by LA Weekly art critic Doug Harvey, with over 50 new and recent images including oil paintings, mixed media work, and sketches. Discrepancies will be released in conjunction with Gross’ solo exhibition at Jonathan LeVine Gallery.
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