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LSOT TIME; New Paintings by Matthew Fisher

Heskin Contemporary
443 West 37th, Ground Floor, 212.967.4972
Hell's Kitchen
December 9, 2010 - January 22, 2011
Reception: Thursday, December 9, 6 - 9 PM
Web Site

Heskin Contemporary is pleased to present Matthew Fisher’s exhibition, “Lsot Time”. This exhibition will be a new series of oil paintings, opening Thursday, December 9th and running through January 22nd, 2011. A reception will be held for the artist from 6 -9 pm on Thursday, December 9th.

Dogfish head craft brewed ales has generously donated their product for our opening reception.

In Matthew fisher’s recent paintings the artist once again incorporates witty, often symbolic objects (tokens of a prior occupation and forgotten military forces.) Obsolete treasures are stacked atop one another to create meaningless shrines to unknown recipients. At first the understanding of these totems is limited to their function: a cup is for drinking, a candle for light, a key for a door, etc. Rather, it is through their precise posting, conscience balance and deliberate centering do these utilitarian meanings become secondary to deeper context and narrative.

Mr. Fisher grew up in Boston, MA, graduated from Columbus College of Art and Design and received an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2000. He has been awarded a Fellowship in Painting in 2010 from New York Foundation of for the arts, a yaddo residency in 2007 and a Vermont studio fellowship in 2005, among others. Mr. Fisher has exhibited extensively throughout the U.S. This is his first solo exhibition at Heskin Contemporary.
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