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Abby Goodman: Party At Lucky Chengs

LZ Project Space
164 Suffolk Street, New York, NY, 212-627-3276
East Village / Lower East Side
January 20 - February 12, 2011
Reception: Friday, January 21, 7 - 9 PM
Web Site

LZ Project Space is pleased to present Party At Lucky Chengs, a solo exhibition by Abby Goodman.

Based on the glamorized notion of an itinerant lifestyle, Goodman transforms the LZ Project Space into a vaudevillian inspired sideshow theater. An empty platform stage central to the room alludes to the anticipation of a live performance about to take place, or the residual energy from one that previously occurred. Viewers are encouraged to participate by engaging in impromptu performances of self- expression. The title of the show, Party At Lucky Chengs, is also the name of one of the paintings hung in the gallery, and refers to the famous New York City cabaret house, an institution famous for it’s dinner theater, karaoke, and stand-up comedy performed in drag queen attire.

Goodman’s sculptures, paintings and mixed media installations create an elusive world based on daily life experience, dreams, and journeys. Found objects, reconstituted components, and natural imagery create an iconography unique to this imaginary universe. Working with a variety of media, Goodman utilizes her dedication to process in a material based practice to emphasize content.

Abby Goodman received her MFA at Syracuse University, NY and is a current resident of Chashama, a New York studio residency program. She has shown at ARTJAIL (solo exhibition), Islip Museum, Nutureart, A.I.R., Everson Art Museum, Scope Miami with Like The Spice.
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