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The Garden

allan nederpelt
60 Freeman Street, 718-928-4999
April 8 - May 8, 2011
Reception: Friday, April 8, 6 - 9 PM
Web Site

Allan Nederpelt is proud to ring in the spring season with The Garden, a group show curated by James Salomon and Beverly Allan. The lighthearted exhibition will display over thirty contemporary works in various media including photography, painting, works on paper, and sculpture.

Known for its overwhelming presence in Pre-Renaissance and Renaissance works, the springtime garden has been a reoccurring theme throughout art history and mythology. Contradictory to those botanicals and allegorical figures that then interpreted the basic mysteries of life, fertility, and sexuality, selected works in The Garden candidly bring forth the uncoated truth of the birds and the bees. Other pieces depict the inhabitants of a garden, or reference traditional, figurative characters in a subversive and provocative manner. The Garden is simply about sex, love, fertility, rebirth, fresh air, blooming landscape, uninhibited mentalities, and the end of a frigid winter; and paints the picture of a carefree couple making love on a springtime afternoon in the middle of a garden.

The exhibition will include works by Donald Baechler, Michael Bilsborough, Ross Bleckner, Dianne Blell, Meghan Boody, Jeff Britton, Michael Combs, E.V. Day and Kembra Pfahler, Peter Dayton, Michael Dweck, Rebecca Frankfurt-Nadler, Steve Galloway, John Gauld, Monica Gripman, Judith Hudson, Scott Hunt, Bill Jacobson, Sunny Khalsa, Charlotte Kidd, David LaChapelle, Matthew Magee, Randy Polumbo, David Rittinger, Alexis Rockman, Matthew Stone, Michelle Stuart, Donald Sultan, Nick Weber, and Darius Yektai, among others.

The Garden will be on view April 8 through May 8, 2011 at Allan Nederpelt, 60 Freeman Street, Brooklyn. Gallery hours are Saturday and Sunday, 1-6pm, and by appointment.
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