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Fill the Barn (part of the INDEX festival)

Chashama 461 Gallery
461 West 126th street, New York, NY
August 19 - August 28, 2011
Reception: Friday, August 19, 6 - 9 PM
Web Site

The title of the show takes its name from an old tale about a farmer who asks his sons to prove their love by filling his barn.The youngest son wins the challenge by lighting a match and singing – a minimalist gesture about the magic of music and light. The Index Festival invites artists to fill this ground level gallery space with site-specific installations that explore the inner workings of sound and space. By amplifying the room each artists installation, we invite the audience to explore the space and the dynamics between architecture and sound. Participants: Dan Perrone, Ava Jarden, Kerry Downey and Lea Bertucci, Clive Murphy

INDEX Festival website:
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