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Portal | Man Bartlett #FEEDFEED

Man Bartlett #FEEDFEED
1333 Myrtle Avenue
September 16 - September 16, 2011
Reception: Friday, September 16, 9 - 11 PM
Web Site

Portal | Man Bartlett: #FEEDFEED Curated by Janis Ferberg and Stephen Truax

Networked Potluck Party 1333 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, First Floor Friday, September 16, 2011 9:00 PM – 12:00 AM ET

Participate in the conversation on Twitter: #FEEDFEED @portalforvideo @manbartlett

Portal is excited to invite you to #FEEDFEED, a new live streaming performance by Man Bartlett, presented simultaneously in Sydney and New York, and organized by Janis Ferberg and Stephen Truax.

If you cannot attend, please participate in the conversation by following #FEEDFEED on @PortalforVideo and @ManBartlett. Join our potluck dinner by trying out our menu at home!

From the artist:

Envisioned as a networked Internet-themed pot-luck party extravaganza, #FEEDFEED will seek to ingest both digestible content and actual food as a hack-job, DIY-style, low-brow version of Relational Aesthetics.

Bring a plate based on something from teh Internetz…go on, we don’t want to go hungry! .... suggestions include:

  • Mash up Potatoes
  • Rick Rolls
  • Wikileeks
  • Beans and Rhizomes
  • Spaghetti and Tweet Balls
  • Twitter Fritters
  • LANcakes with Blackberry sauce
  • Furry Curry
  • Deviant Tarts

Bring anything you can relate to something online. Puns preferred. But seriously, bring something. If you don’t, it’s not much of a potluck then, is it?

Oh, and assume what you will about alcohol consumption at that time in the morning ;)

See you here, there or online

xxoo Man

P.S. No soup on the menu for you. Sorry Rikrit Tiravanija lovers.
Have photos of this show? Tag them with artcat14806 to see them here.