56 Bogart Street, (718) 852-4396
November 17 - November 28, 2011
Reception: Thursday, November 17, 6 - 8 PM
Web Site
An unofficial and rather unforeseen exhibit called Copia Cartacea, the Italian expression for ‘hard copy’ or ‘paper copy,’ existed for approximately 36 latter-estival hours at Centotto. Since it hardly had time to breathe, and since so few viewers had a chance to glimpse it, it will be both resuscitated and expanded as a somewhat more official exhibit pro tempore at Studio 10, a new Bushwick art space directed by Lawrence Greenberg.
A show related to hard copies and paper copies and transposable prepositions, Copia Cartacea consists of works on - or around or about, or beyond or without - paper by
Austin Thomas, Thomas Micchelli, Tim Kent, Zane Wilson, Adam Thompson, Josh Willis, John Avelluto, SMH Kim, Oliver Jones and Marykate Maher.