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Victor Kensinger: The Bird and the Whale

Skink Ink Fine Art Editions
177 North 10th Street, Room G, 917 536 8347
June 8 - July 8, 2012
Reception: Friday, June 8, 7 - 9 PM
Web Site

Skink Ink Fine Art Editions is pleased to announce a show of prints made from the paintings of Victor Kensinger, a New York based illustrator and tattoo artist originally from Spain and trained in Boston. The major works in this show are individual pages from an unwritten graphic novel; discreet incidents imply the existence of a lager story, episodic moments taken out of a time line. Similarly they hint at larger themes, taking timeworn narratives and reworking them into a tantalizing mystery whose origin and conclusion we cannot know.

Themes of love and death, miraculous rescue, strange creatures, and desperate times all percolate through a sea of India Ink as if to underscore their ‘film noir’ appeal to romance, melodrama, and eventual tragedy. Such are the undying themes of the tattoo parlor and the gothic romance alike. Victor’s unique ability is to breath new life into old tales, like a master story teller, he puts his own twist on these common themes—and in us the viewer, the spark of interest once more jumps to a flame. Coupled with a deft hand and a cinematic breadth of vision, we cannot help but wish for the completion of the novel so that we may once again slip into its watery fantasies and lose this mundane life.

Victor Kensinger’s drawing will be shown as a series of large scale prints on canvas. They will be available in small editions on canvas and as larger editions on paper. All works will be giclée prints made from Victor’s hand drawn originals; they continue Skink Ink’s programme of bringing new and not so mainstream artists to the attention of a broader public. Our policy is to show art that refers to the broader culture as well as to the artworld and that is accessible both in form and price to the public at large.
Have photos of this show? Tag them with artcat17312 to see them here.