Art Currents Institute
547 West 27th Street, No. 210
July 12 - July 28, 2012
Reception: Thursday, July 12, 6 - 8 PM
Web Site
July 12 – July 28, 2012 Opening Event: Thursday, July 12, 6-8pm
All exhibitions are free and open to the public.
FUTURE DIARY / HERE WE ARE One day I said to myself “What do I want to read now?” “What do I want to write now??”
My answer was “My Future Diary.” This artwork started here.
“What words will you say?” It depends on the person, If the future means 10 years later for some or the future means from now for others. This question is very simple and abstract but we can imagine many things from it. “When?” “Which situation?” “Where?” “Which language?”
ーThere are 39 questions about your future in the diaryー
We don’t know what we will do in the future and we don’t know what we will say in the next minute, either. But if we can, I hope we will try to think about good things for the future and speak gentle words to each other.
The power of words and thoughts is very strong. It might have some energy to change the world. Even though each word and thought is small. [We don’t see them… but …] When they get together, they become powerful.
If you are sad now or if you can’t advance because you are afraid, please remember this artwork. This is your future diary.
If your diary runs short of space, you can patch another cloth to it and make it longer. If you want to change your thoughts, you can take it apart whenever you want! We can’t change the past, but we can make our futures as we like! Our futures have limitless possibilities and spread vastly in front of us … like a plain white cloth!
I hope to share a lot of happiness through my artwork to you who look at and touch it. I create for someone who is waiting for my artwork, someone I know, someone I will know … I sew my wishes and my prayers into the cloth with each stitch. That’s why I create … and why I am here … now!
June 2012 in Paris. Rieko KOGA
Rieko KOGA, a Japanese fiber artist. Born in Tokyo. “BUNKA FASHION COLLEGE ” graduate [1990-1993, Tokyo]. Moved to Paris in 1993, graduated from “FASHION FORUM” [1993-1994, Paris]. Moved back to Tokyo in 1996, worked as a freelance artist for magazines, publications, and television advertisements. In 2004, returned to Paris where she currently lives and works. She expresses her universe through threads and needles, working spontaneously using dressmaking techniques. Her recent work focuses on connections between words. She has exhibited at various indoor and outdoor installations in Japan and France. In Autumn 2012 and 2013, Rieko has several upcoming solo and group exhibitions and projects in Europe. This is her first exhibition in the USA.
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