The ArtCat calendar is closed as of December 31, 2012. Please visit Filterizer for art recommendations.



Small Black Door
19-20 Palmetto Street, Ridgewood, 718-581-6377
September 14 - October 14, 2012
Reception: Friday, September 14, 6 - 10 PM
Web Site

On view Saturdays and Sundays, 1 to 6pm

Liz Atzberger, John Avelluto, Brett Baker, Paul Behnke, Deborah Brown, Sharon Butler, Kevin Curran, Joy Curtis, Paul D’Agostino, Rob De Oude, Lacey Fekishazy, Enrico Gomez, Chris Harding, Katarina Hybenova, Lars Kremer, Ellen Letcher, Amy Lincoln, Loren Munk, Matthew Mahler, Mike Olin, James Prez, Kevin Regan, Jonathan Terranova, Austin Thomas

Organizer Julie Torres writes,

“HEROES” is not a show about men in capes and women in spandex suits. Nor is the title meant to imply that its participants risk their lives ensuring safety and order in the world each day. There are real people who do that, and they are true heroes for sure.

This show is about a different kind of hero.

I know that none of these artists would describe themselves as being particularly ‘heroic,’ which I can certainly appreciate. But the truth is that they inspire and energize so many of us through the power of their own artwork, and also by sharing and communicating something larger than themselves.

These are artists who provide valuable insight into what other people are doing and what ‘else’ is going on out there. They show and talk about other artists’ work in a meaningful way, and provide venues for us to meet, look, think and engage both face-to-face and online. What they do takes time, energy, dedication and courage.

Maybe it’s human nature, but I always want to get better at things when I see other people doing them well. What is a hero but someone who inspires you to be better?
Have photos of this show? Tag them with artcat18080 to see them here.