The ArtCat calendar is closed as of December 31, 2012. Please visit Filterizer for art recommendations.


Thanks Give It (to Me, Baby)

251 East Houston Street
East Village / Lower East Side
November 22 - November 22, 2012
Reception: Thursday, November 22, 8 - 11 PM
Web Site

Come join us for a shared meal and performance by Arianne Foks! Master of Ceremonies: Michael Alan Alien

Visiting Artist Arianne Foks (born 1982) lives and works in Paris. A multidisciplinary artist, she creates performances, installations and drawings. Using building blocks such as words, colors, rhythm, architecture, partners, pop-culture, and personal mythology, Foks adapts her work to the context, space and local environment: the piece emerges as a response to what she finds on site. Walking around in unknown cities without destination, she collect images, local habits and folklore to integrate them into her work and, in the process, shapes her own identity. Foks’ work deals with identity with a focus on desire and how desire produces a new body. Over the past three years, Foks has shown her work in exhibits and international performance art festivals throughout Europe and the US, including in Paris, Milan, Berlin, Helsinki, Chicago and New York.
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