Joshua Liner Gallery
548 West 28th Street, 3rd Floor, 212-244-7415
December 13, 2012 - January 12, 2013
Reception: Thursday, December 13, 6 - 9 PM
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Joshua Liner Gallery is pleased to present Everything at Once, an exhibition of over thirty intense, high-energy paintings and works on paper by Los Angeles-based artist Dave Kinsey. This is Kinsey’s second solo exhibition with the gallery.
As the show title suggests, Kinsey attempts to convey a world gone mad with media, perpetual conflict, and a sense of the mounting struggle between the urban and natural worlds. Kinsey creates this new body of work through a brash synthesis of materials, textures, and aesthetics, conjuring multilayered abstractions with traces of figuration which create dynamic transformations of images within images.
Akhal-Teke (War Horse), a large mixed-media work on canvas layers fragments of a galloping horse interposed with hard-edged bands of bright color and pooled washes of darker hues, evocative of deep internal conflict. Congotropolis layers transparent outlines of human and primate skulls with the profile of a classical figure head, playing up the similarity and contrast of competing species, surrounded by a frenetic atmosphere of high-contrast color. In Metropolis, Kinsey strips away all figurative elements and introduces an exclusively abstract approach to his work—a graphic composition of intersecting planes, blasts of color, and bursts of geometric line. In addition to these and other paintings, smaller collage works will be on view as well as a study of hands interpreted from classical images in ink and acrylic on paper.
Through his work, Kinsey explores themes of data domination and distortion, political upheaval, and the search for genuine identity in an age of virtual (or illusory) reality. According to the artist, “Collectively, the developed world is swimming in modern media; we’re learning to navigate this landscape every day while becoming unwittingly addicted, for better or worse. And that’s simultaneously exhilarating and a little scary. Throw in climate change and you’ve got a scenario worthy of our attention.”