Kouros Gallery
23 East 73rd, 212 288-5888
Upper East Side
July 6 - August 4, 2006
Web Site
Curated by Kevin David Reay
Wrote for Luck brings together a diverse group of non-gallery artists for whom work on paper represents a significant part of their practice. Within this flourishing genre these artists are finding the freedom to produce accessible work that crosses intellectual and artistic boundaries. The de-construction of modernism, conceptualism, low culture and classical antiquity open up exciting possibilities as artists are free to make art without feeling limited or intimidated by art theory or art movements. It is no coincidence that museums are mounting major exhibitions of Dada and Surrealism as there is a strong connection with the artistic zeitgeist of the present. Today all stimuli are `open source’—artists borrow, learn and then make their contribution to the whole. The work included in Wrote for Luck presents this exciting trend and shows the vibrancy and optimism of the new while incorporating the ideas and knowledge of the old.