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Tindelmichi, Two Fat Southern Boys That Paint

Jack the Pelican Presents
487 Driggs Avenue, 718-782-0183
October 13 - November 12, 2006
Reception: Friday, October 13, 7 - 9 PM
Web Site

The South rises again in the Atlanta-based duo Tindelmichi.

This is the Siamese-twin persona of Michi and John Tindel. Both are originally from Alabama. John has roots closer to the Redneck Riviera; Michi is from a northern river county. Together, they create fixins of fresh contemporary Southern humor and hospitality, grace and charm, country and crunk, born of pride in southern roots and culture.

They throw advertising, typography, graphic design, abstraction and graffiti into the re-mix of “the art elite and the dirty street” with generous helpings of a new hip retro-redneck south, hiphop, and a grandma influence; add to this a moonshine kick. Their interactive performance-installation in the gallery is akin to an old-style live studio “happening” with the artists painting live, playing their own music, serving up fried chicken and PBR.

As Southerners they realize the importance of preserving its culture, history, and lifestyle. They re-present the region with its sophisticated megalopolis, present-day Atlanta, served up with the “aw, shucks” backroad attitude of the rural South. Rooted in vernacular signage, the works of Tindel and Michi reflect their formal art training but also its necessary unlearning, their visual vocabulary blending Ivy League intellect and street smarts while reflecting the South’s deep concern with family and ritual. Their window signage, “These are Southern artists” in stick-on vinyl, is emblematic of their strong traditions. Tindelmichi is most definitely serving it up good!
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