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Margo Victor, Space Oddity

Venetia Kapernekas Gallery
526 West 26th Street, Suite 814, 212-462-4150
March 22 - April 28, 2007
Reception: Thursday, March 22, 5 - 8 PM
Web Site

Victor works in a wide range of media including 16 and 35 mm film as well as painting, photography and drawing. Victor’s minimal and non-conclusion oriented work in film celebrates the alternative with regard to positions of power that women must create within society, to include the very fact of making film, to the means by which she approaches the medium itself- a challenge requiring both the invention and discovery of alternative means of production in order to realize elaborate sound and visual effects. As the images in her short experimental films reveal, Victor’s methodology is steeped in old school studio animated special effects, making the artist a technician and participant, rather than a “fan” of the retro film making apparatus. The results of this approach are often both austere and inviting, slick and rough, purely graphical and abstract or entirely live action. Victor’s sparse and formal imagery, which always excludes dialogue, promotes the viewer to experience the moving image in a way that can utilize a linguistic application for the discovery of meaning; not reality but meaning as manifestations or articulation of the conflict of existence.

This exhibition presents the Los Angeles based artist’s first one-person exhibition and debut of new work in 16mm film and new large-scale paintings. Victor will include the film Margo Victor 2000, an interpretation of the signifiers for the Hollywood sci-fi genre in conjunction with paintings that are obliquely sci-fi in their own focused, cool, and mechanized way.
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