303 Gallery
525 West 22nd Street, 212-255-1121
June 2 - July 27, 2007
Reception: Saturday, June 2, 6 - 8 PM
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Robert Boyd Rebecca E. Chamberlain Anne Chu Hans Peter Feldmann Tom Gidley Mary Heilmann Florian Maier-Aichen Collier Schorr Agathe Snow David Thorpe Jakub Julian Ziolkowski
303 Gallery presents “Three for Society” a group exhibition inspired by Henry David Thoreau’s description of visitors to his cabin in Concord, Massachusetts. In his most well known book “Walden” Thoreau wrote “I had three chairs in my house: one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.” He goes on to discuss his experience of having guests in his intimate interior space and his observations of communication indoors versus out of doors. “Three for Society” considers how interior and exterior spaces affect the manner and content of human expression.
The exhibition includes “Sunset at Makapu” by Mary Heilmann, “Blumenbild” by Hans Peter Feldmann and “Mt Williamson” by Florian Maier-Aichen which each express contemplation of mediated nature and Robert Boyd’s videos “Heaven’s Little Helper” and “Exit Strategy” from his Xanadu series comment on global conflict with `archival footage including that of doomsday cults, iconic political figures and global fundamentalist movements’. New sculpture/performance by Agathe Snow give concrete form to the geography of downtown New York, David Thorpe’s drawing “Greater Enclosure Pattern” respond to retreats into the natural world and Collier Schorr’s photographs from “Neighbors/Nachbarn” give way to the potential freedom afforded in the countryside.
In contrast, Rebecca E. Chamberlain’s ball-point ink paintings of 1930’s interiors describe underlying tension. This strain of being contained by the architecture is even more acute in Jakub Julian Ziolkowski”s paintings of interiors still lives with plants and trees that seem to be taking over each room, and “Castle #2”, a sculpture by Anne Chu of a far away structure that embodies power but in this case is too small to actually enter. A new sculpture and paintings by Tom Gidley share experiences of being both in and out of shelters and the complication of communicating in either state.