PaceWildenstein (22nd Street)
545 West 22nd Street, 212-989-4258
July 9 - September 1, 2007
Web Site
For the first time PaceWildenstein has installed a project on the roof of 22nd Street that can been seen from the streets of Chelsea and from as far away as the West Side Highway. Robert Whitman’s newest project entitled SUN, 2007 uses a movie generated by the YOHKOH satellite (Japanese for sunbeam), a project which was developed by the Institute for Space and Astronautical Sciences, to obtain images of the Sun in wavelengths not accessible from Earth. He then modified the rotation, speed and color of the star. The final result is a monumental artistic interpretation of the Sun projected onto manipulated fabric. Robert Whitman’s SUN screens daily from sunset to 10:00 p.m. and will remain on view through September 1, 2007.