Spencer Brownstone Gallery (39 Wooster)
39 Wooster Street, 212-334-3455
May 5 - June 18, 2005
Web Site
For her exhibition at Spencer Brownstone Gallery, her first solo show in New York, Leutenegger will be presenting a new video installation, ‘Der Grosse Schnee’, which makes humorous reference to her Swiss nationality and the pressure to perform on ‘the big stage’ in New York. The artist appears projected onto a giant billboard installed in the gallery. Against a panoramic background of snowy Swiss mountains, she lobs a series of snowballs out of the picture at us. Lying around the gallery floor, these snowballs are revealed as failed drawings, crumpled pieces of paper. With typical resilience and optimism, however, the artist will turn these failed drawings into her own success: offering them for sale as sculptural objects on plinths.