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Chadwicks, The Genretron


Winkleman Gallery
621 West 27th Street, 212-643-3152
October 10 - November 8, 2008
Reception: Friday, October 10, 6 - 8 PM
Web Site

First Exhibit Based on Legendary Genretron from Chadwick Manor

The Chadwicks are pleased to inform connoisseurs and patrons of the arts that, after a great deal of rigorous research into the family genealogies of prominent New York gallerists, they have decided to present the next public exhibition of their now famous educational installations and objets d’art in the Chelsea gallery of Edward Winkleman, descendent of the German art historian, Johann Joachim Winckelmann, whose 1764 History of Ancient Art contained his influential account of the Laocoon and helped to inaugurate Neo-Classicism. The Chadwicks would like to state plainly before the world—for they anticipate grumbling among tastemakers on this score—that in making this selection they have not meant to impugn the credentials of the many other gallery families that have made considerable contributions to the, albeit more recent, history of fine art. Nonetheless, it was possible to select but one gallery.

The inaugural exhibition will be a reconstruction (by editors of the Chadwick family papers, Jimbo Blachly and Lytle Shaw) of the jewel of the family collection: The Genretron, a panoramic model built by The Chadwicks in the nineteenth century for the close study of Dutch landscape painting. Viewing from the central oculus, the Chadwicks used the three hundred and sixty degree diorama to immerse themselves in the physical atmosphere of their favorite landscapists—Hobbema, Ruisdael, Van Goyen, Van der Neer, and Van Ostade.

The exhibition will coincide with the publication by Periscope Press of The Chadwick Family Papers (A Brief Public Glimpse), a scholarly book on the Chadwicks edited by Blachly and Shaw.

Upon this auspicious announcement of the first public viewing of the Genretron reconstruction at Winkleman Gallery, the Chadwicks dispatched several of their most trusted research assistants to begin assembling artifacts for a future exhibition (scheduled for 2017, the 300th anniversary of Johann Joachim Winckelmann’s birth) to explore the historic interactions with Winckelmann of the Chadwick family members on the Grand Tour.
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