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Crisman Liverman, Missing You Deeply

Eye Level BQE
364 Leonard Street
December 13, 2008 - January 23, 2009
Reception: Saturday, December 13, 8 - 11 PM
Web Site

Crisman is an exciting visual artist who also works in the arena of performance. Gabriela and I discovered him during a studio visit in Bushwick. The attraction and the fit with EyeLevel and Victor Osborne was immediate.

During the Holiday Party, Crisman will perform in one of the store windows during the party, as well as displaying numerous pieces of drawing, installation work, and painting.

Crisman addresses his concerns by adding to these series, items of his personal luxury valets that are constructed out of found furniture. In Missing you deeply, his work approaches the subject of how we find those missing parts of ourselves by facing desires head on. Numerous items of Crisman’s work will be available for pre-sale on the Eyelevel website from the day of the holiday party.
Have photos of this show? Tag them with artcal-8506 to see them here.