Real Fine Arts
673 Meeker Ave,
March 14 - April 12, 2009
Reception: Saturday, March 14, 6 - 9 PM
Web Site
The convenience store around the corner from my apartment sells magazines.
Whenever I go there to buy beer, cigarettes, toilet paper, garbage bags, or use the ATM, I look to see what new titles are in.
Some of my favorites magazines they sell there are:
About 6 months ago, I started collecting pages from magazines and cutting them into heart shapes. Most of the pages are from ads or full- page photographs/illustrations. Not much text. I tried to steer clear of any images that had any “real world” consequence. I tried to stick to what I know.
I turned this collection of images into a 250 page book, which I put out in
October, 2008. It’s now out of print, so to speak, mainly because I gave most of them away. I have maybe two left.
The paintings in this show are based upon the book.