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Y Gallery
32-70 85th Street, Jackson Heights, 718-565-6285
Queens Misc.
June 13 - July 31, 2009
Reception: Saturday, June 13, 6 - 8 PM
Web Site

Y Gallery is pleased to present Bulletproof, the first New York solo exhibition of artist Milagros de la Torre, curated by Cecilia Jurado. Throughout her career Milagros de la Torre has investigated the censored and the forgotten along with the fearful, the painful, and the fragile. She captures and probes thoroughly as would the most demanding detective, while releasing the resulting product to our eyes without judgment. In De la Torre’s work, the human presence seems to disappear—easily leaving the objective evidence behind as narrator.

The exhibition Bulletproof integrates many of De la Torre’s projects from the nineties to today, allowing the spectator to look deeply into the artist’s working process. The show ranges from the series Censored (censored books from The Inquisition period, 15th to 18th centuries), to her most recent series, Bulletproof (pictures of bulletproof clothing). The show also includes the widely celebrated project The Lost Steps (pictures of evidences of the most iconic crimes in Lima-Peru).

As a curator, Cecilia Jurado’s first question was, “How can this artist manage to have access to all these secret objects?” Even now the question is still on hold, awaiting more information. Jurardo, however, does not find these issues important anymore. De la Torre has a modus operandi that responds more directly to her personal memories, inquiries and understandings of life; her intimate approach renders her work delicate. But, there is a clear impetus revealed—what she calls “the dark human side that we all posses.” Her photographs become dense with a big quota of psychological weight as the objects she portrays. Milagros de la Torre immerses the viewer neck-deep in the sinister, with a masterful and seductive technique.

Milagros de la Torre lives and works in New York and Mexico City. Her work has been shown internationally in solo and group exhibitions. De la Torre’s pieces are housed in the permanent collections of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago; Yale University, New York; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Fonds National d?Art Contemporain, Paris; Fundacion ARCO, Madrid; Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico D.F.; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid; Museo de Arte de Lima, Peru; Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires; Museo di Fotografia di San Marino; University of Salamanca, Spain; The Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence. Her work has been included in the International Center of Photography. ICP Triennial 2009, NY.
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