Exhibibits at: Austrian Cultural Forum
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- Slices of Life: Blueprints of the Self in Painting
(January 19
- April 9, 2005)
- Living and Working in Vienna
(April 26
- August 20, 2005)
- KUB in NYC: Inside the Work
(November 12
- November 30, 2005)
- Switching Worlds: Desires and Identities
(March 7
- April 15, 2006)
- Freud and Contemporary Art: The Collection of the Sigmund Freud Museum Vienna
(April 24
- July 8, 2006)
- Landscape In Your Mind
(July 19
- October 28, 2006)
- For A Special Place: Documents and Works From the Generali Foundation Collection
(February 20
- May 3, 2007)
- 21 Positions
(May 15
- August 25, 2007)
- Under Pain of Death
(January 22
- May 10, 2008)
- Bread and Soccer
(May 28
- September 13, 2008)
- Cutting Realities, Gender Strategies in Art
(September 23
- November 29, 2008)
- The Artist As Troublemaker
(December 10
- March 28, 2009)
- Creative Migration
(April 14
- May 14, 2009)
- The Seen and Hidden: (Dis)covering the Veil
(May 22
- August 29, 2009)
- 1989: The End of History or The Beginning of the Future?
(November 2
- November 24, 2009)
- Videorama: Subversion, Absurdity, and Form in Austrian Video Art
(December 1
- January 24, 2010)
- Solace
(February 4
- May 15, 2010)
- NineteenEightyFour
(May 27
- September 5, 2010)
- Alpine Desire
(January 27
- May 8, 2011)
- Fünf Räume
(May 24
- September 5, 2011)
- Beauty Contest
(September 21
- January 3, 2012)
- It’s the Political Economy, Stupid
(January 24
- April 22, 2012)
- Our Haus
(May 17
- August 26, 2012)
- IT CAME FROM chashama
(July 10
- July 22, 2012)