Exhibibits at: Socrates Sculpture Park
view more locations in Long Island City
- Sport
(May 15
- August 7, 2005)
- EAF05: 2005 Emerging Artist Fellowship Exhibition
(September 10
- March 5, 2006)
- Interstate: The American Road Trip
(May 21
- August 13, 2006)
- 2006 Emerging Artist Fellowship Exhibition
(September 10
- March 4, 2007)
- Takashi Horisaki, Social Dress New Orleans – 730 Days After
(July 29
- October 28, 2007)
- Waste Not, Want Not
(May 4
- August 3, 2008)
- EAF08: 2008 Emerging Artist Fellowship Exhibition
(September 7
- March 1, 2009)
- Pentti Monkkonen, Temple of Dionysos
(May 10
- August 10, 2009)
- State Fair
(May 10
- August 2, 2009)
- EAF09: 2009 Emerging Artist Fellowship Exhibition
(September 13
- March 7, 2010)
- Cityscape: Surveying the Urban Biotope
(May 2
- August 1, 2010)
- EAF10: 2010 Emerging Artist Fellowship Exhibition
(September 12
- March 6, 2011)
- SkowheganPERFORMS
(September 25
- September 25, 2011)