Exhibibits at: Pomegranate
view more locations in Soho
- From Baghdad to New York: Part II of the Iraqi Phoenix Group
(February 28
- March 26, 2006)
- Location/Dislocation: Contemporary Works with Middle Eastern Roots
(March 30
- May 6, 2006)
- Out of Iraq: Artist Meditations on their Homeland
(May 11
- June 8, 2006)
- Iraqi Art Today
(June 14
- September 4, 2006)
- Ismail Khayat, The Anfal Memory Series
(September 9
- October 27, 2006)
- Iraq: an exhibition of contemporary photography,painting and sculpture
(November 7
- December 9, 2006)
- Babyloninan Women: Four Californian Artists with Roots in Iraq
(September 6
- September 27, 2007)
- Contemporary Iraqi Art
(November 1
- December 15, 2007)
- Oil On Landscape: Art From Wartime Contemporaries of Baghdad
(May 24
- June 21, 2008)
- Iraqi Mosaic: New Works by Iraqi Artists
(March 7
- March 28, 2009)