Storefront for Art and Architecture
97 Kenmare Street, 212-431-5795
September 13 - October 29, 2005
Reception: Tuesday, September 13, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Web Site
The modern gallery setting remains a contentious, inspirational and problematic cultural battleground. It’s the backdrop to a fascinating love/hate triangle between artists, architects and curators. Can Buildings Curate presents a trajectory from Utopian provocateurs to the contemporary condition, through a site-specific installation that colonizes Storefront’s idiosyncratic architecture.
Exhibition features works by Arman, Michael Asher, Davide Bertocchi, Lina Bo Bardi, Decosterd & Rahm, Diller + Scofidio, Drabble + Sachs & Isa Sturm, Alexander Dorner, Marcel Duchamp, Dee Ferris with Yuh-shioh Wong and Eamon O’Kane, Zaha Hadid Architects, Friedrich Kiesler, Yves Klein, El Lissitzky, Nikolaus Hirsch / Michael Muller, Vito Acconci & Steven Holl, Goshka Macuga, Newbetter, Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Cai Guo-Qiang, R&Sie, Neal Rock, SANAA (Kazuo Sejima+ Ryue Nishizawa), Barbara Vanderlinden, and Igor Zabel with Josef Dabernig,Mark West, James Keyden Cathcart, Frank Fantauzzi and Terrance Van Elslander.
Curated and designed by Shumon Basar, Joshua Bolchover and Parag Sharma [Newbetter].