Exhibibits at: Storefront for Art and Architecture
view more locations in Soho
- Architecture and Revolution in Cuba, 1959-1969
(September 14
- December 11, 2004)
- 9 Families: Emergency Architecture
(January 11
- February 19, 2005)
- Yves Klein: Air Architecture
(March 8
- April 23, 2005)
- Maarten van Severen, Dimensions
(May 17
- June 18, 2005)
- Mary Ellen Carroll, Federal
(June 29
- August 6, 2005)
- Can Buildings Curate
(September 13
- October 29, 2005)
- Marko Lulic, Modernity in YU
(November 15
- December 23, 2005)
- Julie Ault and Martin Beck, Information
(January 18
- February 18, 2006)
- Terence Glower: Ciudad Moderna
(May 2
- June 10, 2006)
- Portable
(June 28
- August 5, 2006)
- Pia Lindman, Fascia
(September 19
- October 28, 2006)
- Clip/Stamp/Fold, The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines, 196X – 197X
(November 14
- January 31, 2007)
- Frederic Chaubin, CCCP/Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed
(April 24
- June 16, 2007)
- Control Group Student Design Award, 2007
(August 2
- August 25, 2007)
- Performance Z-A
(September 21
- October 16, 2007)
- CPH Experiments
(October 30
- November 17, 2007)
- ChinaTowns
(December 11
- December 22, 2007)
- Ramak Fazel
(January 22
- March 8, 2008)
- On Mock-ups, Home Videos and HouseKeeping, A Film Based Exhibition in 3 Parts
(April 8
- April 19, 2008)
- Didier Fiuza Fausino/Bureau Des Mesarchitectures, Ghost In The Shell
(May 14
- July 28, 2008)
- White House Redux: The Exhibition
(October 2
- November 8, 2008)
- Some True Stories: Researches in the Field of Flexible Truth
(November 18
- December 23, 2008)
- Refuge, Five Cities
(May 12
- June 26, 2010)
- Do Ho Suh, A Perfect Home: The Bridge Project
(September 14
- December 7, 2010)
- Painting Urbanism: Learning from Rio
(May 7
- June 11, 2011)
- Matilde Cassani, Sacred Spaces in Profane Buildings
(September 14
- November 5, 2011)
- Allard van Hoorn, 007_Urban_Songline
(January 17
- February 18, 2012)
- Lan Tuazon, Ingredients of Reality: the Dismantling of New York City
(February 29
- April 7, 2012)
- Aesthetics/Anesthetics
(June 26
- July 28, 2012)
- The Post-Olympic City
(August 8
- August 18, 2012)