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Andrzej Zieliński Seven Screens

DCKT Contemporary (Eldridge)
237 Eldridge Street, 212-741-9955
East Village / Lower East Side
February 19 - March 27, 2011
Reception: Friday, February 18, 6 - 8 PM
Web Site

DCKT Contemporary is pleased to present ANDRZEJ ZIELIŃSKI’s Seven Screens, his second solo show with the gallery. On view are paintings of five Automated Teller Machines and two broken laptop computers. ZIELIŃSKI uses the medium of painting to explore the technology of communication and to beckon the viewer to interface with feral colors, wonky buttons and tractor-beaming screens.

The color cacophony of ZIELIŃSKI’s eccentric reverse engineering of Albers’s color theories is a visual jolt. His color palette includes the use of interference pigments and saturated bright hues that are at odds with the staid grays and cold reflective metals of the actual machines. He connects the painted machines to the real world by using a 1 to 1 scale ratio with the actual subjects. ZIELIŃSKI’s work goes from the shock of the unknown to humor and back again.

The power of ZIELIŃSKI’s work lies in its ability to stick in the mind, leading to new associations that are paradoxically made through the inherently static medium of painting. His use of 21st century advances in acrylics “up-dates” painting while the complicated surfaces show how ZIELIŃSKI’s application of paint allows each brush or palette knife stroke to have a quadruple interpretation as description, suggestion, abstraction and bas-relief.

ZIELIŃSKI was born in 1976 and currently lives in Berlin, Germany. He will be a visiting artist in residence at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia this spring. ZIELIŃSKI holds an MFA from Yale University and a BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He is a 2009 recipient of the Charlotte Street Foundation Award (Kansas City, MO). Previous solo exhibitions include Motus Fort (Tokyo, Japan), The Dolphin Gallery (Kansas City, MO), Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery (New York, NY), and Marc Selwyn Fine Art (Los Angeles, CA). His work is included in the collection of the Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art (Overland Park, KS).
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